Friday, September 26, 2008

Procrastinating at its sauciest

I have found my undoing.
I have been home from work since 9:30 this evening and it is currently 1:23am. I have not stopped reading this awesome HP fanfic. Part of me is cursing the steely-fingered one... and the rest of me is laughing too hard at Draco and his awkwardness to care :P
However, this means my total amount of study tonight has been... zero.
Which makes me more like one of Draco's schemes to sabotage others so he can be brilliant.
Ah if only he wasn't so damned devilishly bad-boy cute...
Well I'm only up to their 5th year, so surely this fantastic work of HP fiction cannot go beyond the school years... my study regime hopes...
Meanwhile, boys are annoying.
Also that I keep using big words in msn conversations at 1:30 in the morning is surprising and slightly annoying. So constantly in lethologica - wh/ i think is the state of not knowing the precise word you wish to use at that time. Plus I keep talking like I'm narrating a HP fanfic story... and my brain starts narrating my life.. Can't it give a brief overview of whatever I need to learn about Cardiovascular and Respiratory systems since I know so very very very little right now.
I know I am small, but I feel so tiny when the world is so big and the wealth of knowledge we'll be expected to know (and are expected to know already) is enormous.
Ok, sleep soon, then study in the morning.
Delete links to awesome fanfics and read during holidays.
Also remember to get the third book in Inheritance cycle... will kill anyone who ruins the ending.

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