Wednesday, September 17, 2008

10 Simple Rules

The following rules are for when my two best friends and I decide to move in together. All who enter the house have to follow by the rules also.

1. No practical jokes unless it's your birthday, a big drinking night or April Fool's.
2. No farting (exceptions include outside, bathroom, and your own bedroom)
3. No velvet
4. No using nail files
5. Toilet pleasantries, please: warning before and after dookies, plus use of airfreshner and opening of windows; both toilet seats go down when finished; replacement of toilet roll when necessary; also see rule 8.
6. (can't remember just yet..)
7. (can't remember just yet..)
8. You spill, break, mess, drop anything - clean it up
9. No hanky-panky in rooms other than your own unless it's your birthday, a big drinking night or April Fool's. (for kitchen rules, see rule 8)
10. No parties before exams; but many parties after exams

other rules include:
Company of more than 2 people requires notification
Notes to be conveyed via Magna-doodle
No noises (from cooking, sex, music etc) between 2 and 8am unless it's your birthday, a big drinking night or April Fool's
No using fingers to eat nutella or honey
No feet on furniture (shoes inside is allowed)
Sharing is caring (but that doesn't include toothbrushes)
When the crib's a-rockin', don't come a-knockin'

1 comment:

caitie-meg said...

I like the 'it's your birthday, big drinking night or april fools.' comments :D

you amuse me!!

I have updated my blog. with one in between the last two :D