Friday, August 1, 2008

Why I want to be a doctor

Oh yeah. I totally called it that the patient in our latest case would die. Guess that means I'm a pessimist.

Also realised that although I don't want to do cardiology anymore, I'm ok with changing my mind. I know I'll find something that really fits with me. I'd just laugh if it's Orthopedics, or Ear Nose and Throat. Or if I end up as a lecturer. I think that'd be the worst lol

It's strange, I didn't always want to be a doctor. I know as a little girl I wanted to be an artist (not that I have any real talent!) or a vet (I think I was put off my the high marks needed to get there, I didn't think I was smart enough). During my final year at highschool my grandmother got very sick, and a few days before she passed away she asked me what I wanted to do for a living. She just wanted to know where I was headed. But there wasn't anything for me to say. I had been trying to figure it out myself, and nothing really reached out at me.

This was about the time I consulted the I Ching set I have at home. It's an ancient Chinese method of divination that really helps explain things for me. I love it. Anyway, I asked it how I would decide what I wanted to do with my life. The answer that came back was that I needed to wait and I would know the answer like a lightning bolt. And one day I woke up and it just hit me. Medicine. I wanted to be able to use my brains for something, and although I enjoyed debating, I always knew Law wasn't for me; there's a shortage of doctors - so I'd be needed; I'd be able to help people like the ones who helped my grandmother; I could really contribute something. And it stuck. I haven't thought of anything else since and I've worked pretty hard towards it. I could probably work a little harder... but for now I think I'm on my way there.

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